F.L.O. is the name of our youth ministry.
F.L.O, stands for Faith, Love, Odyssey. Their mission is to welcome others as God welcomes us (Romans 15:7). That means we want to invite youth to know and experience God’s love. We live in a society that is full of fear, aggression, selfishness, greed, envy and harm. We desire to provide a place that exhibits openness, compassion, patience, kindness and peace so that the Good News will be better heard and demonstrated (Colossians 3:12-14).
You can follow our youth ministry on Instagram a f.l.o_youth

We are praying for God’s immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine for:
Blessing Our Community: We are praying for new ways to bless/serve the neighborhood around the church building and in the neighborhoods where we live.
F.L.O Youth Ministry: God is already doing immeasurably more than imagined in the lives of our five youth leaders and the youth that have attended our youth events over this past school year. We are looking for God’s immeasurably more in the coming months through discipleship and mission.
3042 Louise Street: We are seeking God’s immeasurably more as we look for ways to use the church building to serve others. We currently rent the building to several organizations and look forward to using the building to serve the neighborhood and beyond.